What is software patching?
A software patch is a scheduled set of changes that may include updating software and fixing any potential vulnerabilities like bugs. They are released with the overall intent to improve the software. This allows for continuous improvements and updates on purchased already purchased technology. Patching is part of the upkeep of any software or tech device; even mobile phones and their applications receive patches.
What happens if I don’t install patches?
Installing any new software, even updates like patches, can lead to time wasted via downtime during install time. However, patches are necessary to ensure that your software stays up to date and rid of bugs. Issues like these have a greater risk of causing downtime than the install. Not staying up to date with your device and software can even lead to data breaches. And we all know that data breaches can cost big money in potential fines and lawsuits. Patching can save you money, and time if done right.
When addressing software deficiencies, and security vulnerabilities most patches are free. However, those that include more sought after updates that are focused on upgrading software may come with a price tag, but this is not always the case.
Unfortunately, patches are not cure-alls and sometimes they can lead to other problems. This is why relying on patch management is a great way for getting updates without putting any software at risk of patches that were proven ineffective or risky.
What is Patch Management?
As a rule, patches should be implemented at least every 30 days, and due to potential hesitations with taking time to install these, often using a Patch management service is the best way for small and medium businesses with limited IT resources. Patch management is offered by most IT centric services businesses, and may be understood as the process of providing, testing and implementing patches. Using a patch management service will allow you to spend less time stressing about keeping up with installing patches. Patch management services allow for your computers to have patches installed when needed, without having to worry about downtime or patch quality.
Patch Management with CTS
Unlike most MSP’s, patch management at CTS is all encompassing and the only thing that you need to do is leave your computer on at the login page after you leave work on Friday. We take care of the rest. Here at CTS, we are determined to give our clients only the best software patches. We run our patches on a slightly delayed schedule with a one/some/many approach to ensure our client networks are up and running with as little downtime as necessary.
We patch proactively, expertly monitoring which patches will be effective and beneficial, and we exclude defective patches. We also keep track of which patches your office will need, so that no software is forgotten during the installation process. Oh and spoiler alert, some “updates” are actually feature improvements which we don't apply without a good reason. This avoids unnecessary software issues or changes.